Tuesday, 12 August 2014

MP Has Rejected GUID : "XXXXX" Message!!!!

Some of warning can be ignored but not for the long time... because if that is not fixed it will change to Error and that is thing that  we never want to see In sccm.  I will check the sccm health and found that SMS_MP_CONTROL_MANAGER was flooding with the warning “MP has rejected client registration”

Let’s take look at the error:

Message ID:  5447

Description:  MP has rejected a message from GUID:”XXXXX” because the signature could not be validated. If this is a valid client, it will attempt to re-register automatically so its signature can be correctly validated.

When looking at the CM database, specifically at the view, v_R_System, one would notice that there are two columns which have names explicitly containing the label “GUID” – Object_GUID0 and SMBIOS_GUID0, neither of which match up to the GUID referred to in the error message shown above.  Looking at the properties of these two columns, we find that Object_GUID0 is related to the Active Directory object of the resource and SMBIOS_GUID0 is the BIOS GUID of the resource.

After reading the logs it was cleared that issue was with the client registration   but which Client? Because in error message it was redirecting to GUID which was linked to client. So now we have to find out the client name that was getting rejected by MP. But HOW??  The answer was in the v_R_System column named SMS_Unique_Indentifier0 – intuitive.

We can get the client information using 3 methods?

1.    SQL Method:  (Query against the CM database) You should have access to DB
SMS_Unique_Identifier0 = ‘GUID: G89L6053-19F7-414C-AAF6-L426F84DAG70′

2.    PowerShell Method: This is my favorite.
Note : Enter your data where the [] are, but omit the brackets.

$params = @{Namespace=”ROOT\SMS\site_[YOURSITECODE]“;
Filter=’SMSUniqueIdentifier = “GUID:F36C6053-12D7-404C-AAF6-E406F84DAF50″‘}
Get-WmiObject @params | ForEach-Object {
$Name = $_.Name
$Name = ” Computer Name:  $Name”
$ResourceID = $_.ResourceID
$ResourceID = “   Resource ID:  $ResourceID”
$ClientVersion = $_.ClientVersion
$ClientVersion = “Client Version:  $ClientVersion”
Return $Name, $ResourceID, $ClientVersion
3.    Adding the GUID Colum  to All system Query :
Just add the column to the existing all system query and put the GUID in Search bar u will get the Client name.

Hope This Will Help!!
Amarpal Singh Sandhu